Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why You and Us Are Different?

We don't need to buy HUGE and EXPENSIVE DIAMOND ring for our wedding,
because it's the thought that counts

We don't need a GRAND wedding just to compete with our friends,
because attended by families and good friends are more than enough

We don't need a BIG bungalow house to show off to other people,
we just want a BIG happy family

We don't need a BIG and EXCLUSIVE car just to impress other people how rich we are,
we only want a simple and affordable car that comfort us
*why go all the trouble to pay RM1.5k every month just to impress people*

We don't need to buy EXPENSIVE and BRANDED attire just to look good,
because we look damn good even in the cheapest clothe

We don't need all that bullshit, because we have us.. and that is all matters in the world..
as long as we have each other and families, that is more than enough..

"Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah segala urusan kami, Kau kukuhkan lah hubungan kami dan dilimpahi rahmat.. Kau kurniakanlah zuriat yang soleh dan solehah.. Kau teguhkan lah Iman kami agar menjadi insan yang berguna kepada agama dan bangsa serta menjadi contoh ikutan buat anak-anak kami kelak.. Sesungguhnya hanya pada-Mu Ya Allah kami bermohon.. "


  1. True dear, rif pun kdg2 lupa. Selalu rasa apa yg elok di mata orang. tpi jarang pk apa yg elok utk kita.

  2. yupp2.. sab pn mcm tu sometimes.. tp, cepat2 sedar balik :) its ourselves that matters..
