1) Terbuka kepada semua kakitangan Kerajaan Persekutuan, Kerajaan Negeri dan Badan- badan Berkanun Seluruh Malaysia
2) Berusia 19 tahun ke atas dan tidak melebihi 58 tahun semasa tamat pinjaman
3) Berjawatan TETAP dan bergaji pokok RM 700.00 ke atas termasuk elaun tetap
4) Bayaran balik pembiayaan melalui BIRO ANGKASA dan POTONGAN GAJI
- Pembiayaan sehingga RM200,000.
- 5.20% kadar tetap.
- Tempoh pembiayaan sehinnga 20 tahun.
- Bayaran balik pembiayaan melaluai BIRO ANGKASA.
- Potongan Melebihi 80% layak memohon (OVERLAP)
- Kes Overlaping Juga Diuruskan!
- Boleh Mestruktur Semula Gaji Dalam Slip Gaji & Mengurangkan Potongan Bulanan.
- Proses permohonan yang mudah & cepat.
- Tanpa penjamin. CTOS/CRISS boleh memohon.
- Pelingdungan takaful.
- Tidak perlu membayar pada org tengah(agen),pembiayaan terus kepada MBSB.
Terbuka kepada kakitangan kerajaan tetap
Gaji Minimum RM700 termasuk elaun tetap
Kelayakan Potongan Gaji sehingga 80%
Bayaran Balik melalui potongan Biro Angkasa
Berumur 19 tahun ke atas dan tidak melebihi 58 tahun semasa tamat pembiayaan
Tanpa Penjamin CTOS/CCRIS boleh memohon
Pembiayaan Maksimum RM200,000 sehinggan 20 tahun
Perlindungan Insuran Takaful
Produk MBSB EXEC-iTerbuka kepada kakitangan kerajaan tetap dan GLC berkelayakan(biro)
Gaji minimum RM3,500 termasuk elaun tetap
Kelayakan Potongan Gaji maksimum 60%
Bayaran Balik Melalui Potongan Biro Angkasa
Pembiayaan Maksimum RM300,000 sehingga 25 tahun
Tanpa Penjamin CTOS/CCRIS boleh memohon
Berumur 19 tahun dan ke atas dan tidak melebihi 58 tahun semasa tamat pembiayaan
Permohonan lebih RM200,000 wajib mengisi "Health Decalaration Form"
Perlindungan Insuran Takaful
Produk MBSB Vaganza-i
Pembiayaan sehingga RM200,000
4.90% kadar tetap
Tempoh pembayaran sehingga 20 tahun
Berumur tidak kurang 19 tahun dan tidak melebihi 58 tahun semasa tamat pembiayaan
Berjawatan tetap dan gaji pokok RM700 dan ke atas termasuk elaun tetap
Bayaran Balik melalui Potongan Gaji Biro Angkasa
Tanpa Penjamin. CTOS/CCRIS boleh memohon
1) 2 salinan kad pengenalan, (Disahkan Majikan).
2) 2 salinan kad kuasa polis (kakitangan PDRM).
3) 1 bulan slip gaji asal terkini beserta 2 salinan (Salinan perlu pengesahan majikan).
4) 2 salinan slip gaji 2 bulan terkini selain slip gaji di atas (dokumen perlu pengesahan majikan).
5) Bil utiliti seperti bil air, bil telefon, bil elektrik dll.
6) 2 Salinan depan buku akaun bank.
7) Penyata Penyelesaian awal “Redemption Statement” jika perlu.
8) Surat option pencen 58 tahun, (dokumen perlu pengesahan majikan) jika perlu
9) Surat pengesahan majikan (tarikh semasa)
Servis terus dari tempat anda.Keutamaan sekitar Lembah Klang....
Call Sabrina 012-2952901 / 017-2632731..
ni bukan tipu2.., my mom is the Manager at MBSB Personal Financing Dept.. so i go directly to her..
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Dream Come True :)
Salam guys...
Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah segala urusan kami.. Sesungguhnya kami hanya mampu merancang utk yang terbaik, dan Kau lah yang akan menentukan segalanya...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
From Sabrina to Faizal
Dear Faizal...,
Sayang, I don't even know where to begin. From the first time we talked to each other on the phone I knew you were special. And the first time we met, words cannot even explain. I was so nervous; until I saw you. It seemed so natural, like we've known one another for years. Truth is, it's been just under 5 months 3 weeks and 6 days. I never knew I could feel this strongly about someone this soon, but you've proved me wrong.
Up until this point you've been different than any other guy. I know that you wouldn't hurt me, at least intentionally. That's why you are different. I know you care for me and want to be with me. There has not been a moment in the last 5 months 3 weeks and 6 days where I have doubted any feelings for you.
You've walked into my life and totally turned it around. I was so depressed and torn up about what had happened to me in the last year or so; I was nearly ready to give up. You gave me the hope that I needed to keep going on. I am so grateful for having you in my life. I've been waiting on someone just like you to walk into my life. Sayang, thank you for everything.
One last thing before I go. I just wanted to say.... I love you! It's only 1 month 1 week and 6 days before our Big day ;)
p/s: Sorry that I posted it in FB.. just to show how much I Love You.. ade words yg b tk tulis huhu ;)
Sayang, I don't even know where to begin. From the first time we talked to each other on the phone I knew you were special. And the first time we met, words cannot even explain. I was so nervous; until I saw you. It seemed so natural, like we've known one another for years. Truth is, it's been just under 5 months 3 weeks and 6 days. I never knew I could feel this strongly about someone this soon, but you've proved me wrong.
You've walked into my life and totally turned it around. I was so depressed and torn up about what had happened to me in the last year or so; I was nearly ready to give up. You gave me the hope that I needed to keep going on. I am so grateful for having you in my life. I've been waiting on someone just like you to walk into my life. Sayang, thank you for everything.
One last thing before I go. I just wanted to say.... I love you! It's only 1 month 1 week and 6 days before our Big day ;)
p/s: Sorry that I posted it in FB.. just to show how much I Love You.. ade words yg b tk tulis huhu ;)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Aku Benci Kau!!!
Dengan ini aku isytiharkan yang sememangnya aku teramat benci dengan KAU dgn Bini KAU skali...
TAHNIAH kerana anda memenangi TOP 5 orang2 yang aku benci! *applause*
Friday, December 10, 2010
Bila Sab Pegang Mic
Salam bloggers....
Kalau ikotkan title post ni macam sab ni kaki karaoke kan.. *itu pon yeh sebenarnya*.. tapi ni nak cerita lain pulak.. cerita pasal bila Sab pegang mic untuk event hehehe.. Bukan nak menunjuk atau ape, tapi just nak share and nak memperingati event2 yang sab jadi Pengacara Majlis untuk Jabatan... rasanya masa belajar, hanya sekali je Sab jadi emcee... itu pun gagap2.. time tu En Bambang, lecturer Bahasa Melayu la yang bagi tanggungjawab pertama tuh... Ya Allah, nervous nyer jangan cakap laaahh.. memang menggigil kaki.. itu time diploma kat UiTM Arau, Perlis dulu... thn, bila dah masuk kerja, tetibe pengarah minta jadi emcee... eh terkejut jugak, walaupun event biase untuk bahagian..., tapi dari situ la semuanya bermula... dari program Menyambut Ramadhan untuk Bahagian yg dihadiri pon kitaorg jek... sehingga laah ke program Jabatan yang dihadiri oleh Menteri...fuhhh... bila habis program je punya lah lega.., sebab sebagai pengacara majlis ni tanggungjawab nye besar..sebab kalau silap, org nampak salah kita.. bukannya floor manager.. huhuh.. so kenalah hati2 dgn pemilihan and sebutan perkataan.. lagi memenatkan, bila skrip kena buat sendiri... *uhuk*
tapi, pada 6hb December yang lepas, Sab diberi tanggungjawab untuk mengacarakan majlis perkahwinan kak anna dgn abg fauzi... mereka ni anak kepada Prof. Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Kamal Hassan and Puan Sri Norma Mohd Salleh *jiran kitaorg ni*.. majlis diadakan di Sime Darby Convention Center.. untuk pertama kalinya jadi emcee untuk wedding.. sib baik yang dtg pon org VVIP.. so dah biase nak berprotokol..
VVIP yang dtg pon, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Menteri Besar Kedah, Menteri Besar Perak and ramai lagi laa.. dekat 5 table tu semuanya org2 besar..termasuklah org yg umum Raya ehehheeh *mohor2 besar tu* Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar... siap dapat present lagi prof tu bagi hheheeh...
so, apa yg Sab belajar dari semua ni??
1. komited di atas tanggungjawab yg diberikan
2. dapat memahirkan lagi bahasa/ susunan / penggunaan ayat
3. dapat berkenalan dengan ramai orang
4. sentiasa belajar dari kesilapan lalu
5. jangan membangga diri bila org lantik jd emcee ni sebab nanti ALLAH bayar cash
*buat malu muka je nanti kalau banyak salah..*
bawah ni ada sikit gambar masa event... :-
ini masa majlis jasamu dikenang 2010 dgn abg Syed
hari inovasi jabatan di teknologi park malaysia
ini tak ingat untuk event ape heheheeheh
anugerah perkhidmatan cemerlang dgn abg Hamdan
bicara 60 bersama Pak Din JPA
ni pon tak ingat heheheeheh
p/s: ada banyak lagi tapi gambar emcee takde.... uhuk... cameraman slalo melupakan kami...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Salam you all...
Pernah dengar pasal Karingeri? Sabrina dapat tahu pun dari FB siape tah mase tuh.. tapi lame dah.. mula-mula blog tu ada banyak sebab dah lama author tu buat... tapi entah macam mana kene terminate pulak blog die sebab melanggar akta-akta blogging la rasenyer... alaaaaa itupon sebab content die ngeri.. kalau korang tengok takde rase ngeri tak tau laaa kan... huhuh.. so now author die *Syazril* dah buat blog baru... *hoyyeeaaayyy* sab suke sangat tgk blog die... lantak la org nak ckp ape.... hahahaha...
bukan nye sab ni kejam ke ape.. mungkin dulu nak jadi doctor tapi tak lepas haha!!!
so bila korunk free tu, usha-usha la blog die......
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Marriage of Two
I found this simple poem on Google.. its one of my fav poem.. simple and yet very meaningful...
A marriage of two is for love that is true
A marriage of two is always something new
A marriage of two happens sometimes out of the blue
A marriage of two is worth it when it’s due
A marriage of two is a marriage of trust
They are only very few who have a clue of when love occurs
A marriage of two is about love making
It is not about money raking
You should only be glad if
A marriage of two is for love that is true...
A marriage of two is always something new
A marriage of two happens sometimes out of the blue
A marriage of two is worth it when it’s due
A marriage of two is a marriage of trust
They are only very few who have a clue of when love occurs
A marriage of two is about love making
It is not about money raking
You should only be glad if
A marriage of two is for love that is true...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Our Very Own GT-R150...
so.. inilah motor kami.. hehe..ranggi tak? Naza GT-R sebab skooter..
easy to handle, tapi berat sket..huhu..
performance? ok la utk skooter.. ade gaya macam superbike tak? haha...
tu next target~ insyaAllah... Amin~
p/s: kalau yang bar tgh tu kitaorg tukar color MERAH ok ke??? ade setgh org buat mcm tu.. tgk smart jeee...
p/s: kalau yang bar tgh tu kitaorg tukar color MERAH ok ke??? ade setgh org buat mcm tu.. tgk smart jeee...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
This is our DREAM!!
will our wishes be granted? insyaAllah.. we will try our best after all the important things are done...
go on and guess what we wish for :P heheh....
-YAMAHA YZF-R6...6 for 600cc.. a sportbike in its own class...sape suke speed..mmg moto ni yg terbaik dlm kategori dia....
sekarang pakai motor ape? anak kepada sportbike hahahaah!. nanti kami post lain.. tungguuuu.....~
Yamaha YZF-R6
Friday, December 3, 2010
The New 1.3 Honda Insight (Hybrid) is HERE IN MALAYSIA!!!!
Huiyoh! dah masuk malaysia!
tp 1.3 laaa..... huhuhu.....
pictures yang bawah ni pulak bila dah masuk Body kit!!!! gempakkk laaa...!!!!
ape lagi!? JOM BOOKING SKRANG!!!!!
Tadddddaaaa.... this is my BumbleBee... yang baru berusia ermmm bape ehh... tak smp setahun rasenyer dia ni... asal usul dia ni dari mak nyer yg bernama Labu :) tp Labu and yg lain2 dah kena hantar ke tempat lain oleh ibunda n ayahanda saye :'( *sob sob* sebab dah banyak sangat.. sampai ada 16 ekor.. so ni je la yang tinggal... but BumbleBee and Boboy is my fav...!! nanti i upload pic Boboy plak k~
BumbleBee pandai posing ;) meeeooowwww~~
::.. Merisik dan Bertunang ..::
Salam guys..
ok, as u guys can read, 14th November 2010 parents Jai datang merisik... at first memang la plan hanya merisik sebab we all decide takde tunang... terus akad nikah.. but thn, ntah macam mana, last minute plan terus jadi merisik and bertunang... very funny ;) takde la prepare banyak pun.. sekadar sarung cincin and menetap kan tarikh... lepas tu makan-makan... diharapkan our relationship last long and semoga urusan kami berjalan dengan lancar dan direstui oleh-Nya Amin~~~ :) ni ada lah sikit pictures... yang lain gamba BumbleBee je... sape BumbleBee?? haaaaa....waiittt yarrrr~~
Mak faizal menyarung cincin ke jari saye...cheewwaanhh.. i love u mak! :D
alalalaaaa... kiss kiss~ ngeee... auntie malu2....
diantara sedara mara saye and jai yang hadir ;)
well, itu jeee... nanti sabrina upload pics BumbleBee okay........
::.. He Proposed! :) ..::
Salam and Hye guys!~
w0w!! he proposed people! he prosposed! after only less than ONE MONTH kitaorg kenal... i was like! w0w!! is this true.... im shock! but i was so happy... didn't expect it could be that fast... but yeah! he proposed to me July 2010.... yeah.... terkejut kannn :) me toooo.. heheehhe... im so happy!!!!!! yeayy!! i love u so much Faizal!!! :D
::.. Super GT @ Sepang (20 June 2010) ..::
Salam people~ ....
guest what..! i went to Super GT with him... our 2nd date *first date 19 June gi OU tgk wayang citer Prince of Persia heheheheh* ... i tak nak celoteh banyak...just enjoy some pictures from us ok! :)
my fav picture ;)
him again ehehehe...
pick one!!!!!
admiring the view..~~
one eyed!!
phewww..... wish i can have one like that!
our first picture together!! :) <3 20 June 2010!
berangan ni nak dpt motor ni
aaaaawwww........ can u see what i see????
thats all... ade banyak lagi.. tapi yang ni pon cukup laaa heheehehe....
::.. REJECTED!! ..::
"Hye ;)" that was the frist word yg Faizal type kat Facebook hehehe.. We first met dlm FB ni pon.. itupun sebab dia adalah kawan kepada my coursemate mase Diploma kat UiTM dulu, Adeyl~... so tetibe dia add and dr situ la kitaorg kenal.. but!!! the story is not as simple as that.. haaaaa... if u guys bace title pon boleh agak kan.. heheheh.. it all started when this one lady yang so into him add me dlm FB.. *jeles punya kes la ni* so bile Faizal post kat wall i, tetibe pulak minah tu comment sama *sebab die pon add i haha! funny*... and comment tu berlanjutan sampai dah bunyi macam nada perli-perli.. so bengang la i.. ape lagi, i delete dua orang ni... the girl and Faizal hahah..
tapi, since i delete faizal, die msg i... i buat bodoh jek..tak reply *jual mahal la kan* heheh.. since dia kena delete, he kept on adding me.., and setiap kali die add la i REJECT sampai naik nyampah... i was like, "mamat ni tak reti nak give up ke? dah org taknak accept dah smp nak poke2 orang plak argh!"... seriously ok! hahaha.. untill the 10TH TIME die add me.. i finally PM die... "10 kali i reject tu, 10 kali tu jugak u add i kan"..... and what makes me smile is when he replied, "i just don't easily give up"... a very simple line buat it made my heart melt... hehehe.. and since hari tu la we all kept on msging and finally i pon accept his request heehehe..
hahahha.. very funny kan.. and yet, that what makes me fall for him ;) Allah bukakan pintu hati i utk dia... and lepas tu we all exchange phone numbers.. and the story goes on and on and on...... *cont.....* :)
p/s: oh yaahhh.... this story was in June 2010 hahahha :P
p/s: oh yaahhh.... this story was in June 2010 hahahha :P
Thursday, December 2, 2010
:: The Beginning ..::

First of all..., *pheewwww* it took me a long time to start this blog.. Ops* sebelum you all confuse..., this blog is created by me (sabrina).. this blog is actually a combination of two people.. me and my hubby-to-be *wink wink*... so don't get confuse k ;)
so, i tak nak membebel panjang-panjang.. i'll keep on posting interesting infos insyaAllah.. and don't hesitate to contact or reply us... this is more about our journey of life... so, enjoy people!! :D
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